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What Will The 2026 Tax Brackets Be?

What Will the 2026 Tax Brackets Be?


In this auspicious occasion, we are delighted to delve into the intriguing topic related to What Will the 2026 Tax Brackets Be?. Let’s weave interesting information and offer fresh perspectives to the readers.

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What Will the 2026 Tax Brackets Be?

2026 Tax Brackets: Why Your Taxes Are Likely to Increase in 2026 and What to Do About It

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) of 2017 made significant changes to the individual income tax brackets. These changes were originally set to expire in 2025, but the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023 extended them through 2026.

As a result, the 2026 tax brackets will be the same as the 2023 tax brackets, which are as follows:

Filing Status Tax Bracket Tax Rate
Single $0-$11,850 10%
Single $11,851-$44,725 12%
Single $44,726-$89,450 22%
Single $89,451-$178,900 24%
Single $178,901-$238,350 32%
Single $238,351-$539,900 35%
Single $539,901-$1,077,350 37%
Single Over $1,077,350 39.6%
Married Filing Jointly $0-$23,700 10%
Married Filing Jointly $23,701-$89,450 12%
Married Filing Jointly $89,451-$178,900 22%
Married Filing Jointly $178,901-$268,600 24%
Married Filing Jointly $268,601-$447,250 32%
Married Filing Jointly $447,251-$622,050 35%
Married Filing Jointly $622,051-$1,077,350 37%
Married Filing Jointly Over $1,077,350 39.6%
Head of Household $0-$14,700 10%
Head of Household $14,701-$55,900 12%
Head of Household $55,901-$89,450 22%
Head of Household $89,451-$178,900 24%
Head of Household $178,901-$238,350 32%
Head of Household $238,351-$539,900 35%
Head of Household $539,901-$1,077,350 37%
Head of Household Over $1,077,350 39.6%

In addition to the tax brackets, the TCJA also made changes to the standard deduction and personal exemption. The standard deduction for 2026 will be $13,850 for single filers and $27,700 for married couples filing jointly. The personal exemption was eliminated by the TCJA.

These changes to the tax brackets, standard deduction, and personal exemption will result in lower taxes for most taxpayers. However, some high-income taxpayers may see a small increase in their taxes.

Inflation Adjustments

The tax brackets are adjusted each year for inflation. This means that the dollar amounts in the tax brackets will increase each year to reflect the rising cost of living. The IRS typically announces the inflation-adjusted tax brackets for the following year in October or November.


The 2026 tax brackets will be the same as the 2023 tax brackets. These brackets are lower than the tax brackets that were in effect before the TCJA was passed. As a result, most taxpayers will see lower taxes in 2026.

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Thus, we hope this article has provided valuable insights into What Will the 2026 Tax Brackets Be?. We thank you for taking the time to read this article. See you in our next article!

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