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Which IIT Will Conduct JEE Advanced 2015?

Which IIT Will Conduct JEE Advanced 2015?


In this auspicious occasion, we are delighted to delve into the intriguing topic related to Which IIT Will Conduct JEE Advanced 2015?. Let’s weave interesting information and offer fresh perspectives to the readers.

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Which IIT Will Conduct JEE Advanced 2015?

IIT JEE (Advanced) 2015 results out, Satvat Jagwani of Madhya Pradesh tops exam  India News

The Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) are a group of prestigious engineering institutions in India. The Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Advanced is an entrance examination conducted by one of the IITs on a rotational basis for admission to the undergraduate programs offered by the IITs.

JEE Advanced 2015

The JEE Advanced 2015 examination was conducted by the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT Bombay). It was held on May 24, 2015, in two shifts: morning and afternoon. A total of 1,54,902 candidates appeared for the examination.

Selection of IIT for JEE Advanced

The IIT that conducts the JEE Advanced examination is selected on a rotational basis. The following table shows the IITs that have conducted the JEE Advanced examination since its inception in 2006:

Year IIT
2006 IIT Kanpur
2007 IIT Roorkee
2008 IIT Delhi
2009 IIT Madras
2010 IIT Kharagpur
2011 IIT Bombay
2012 IIT Guwahati
2013 IIT Roorkee
2014 IIT Kharagpur
2015 IIT Bombay

Eligibility for JEE Advanced

To be eligible for the JEE Advanced examination, candidates must have:

  • Passed the JEE Main examination with a valid score.
  • Secured a position among the top 1,50,000 candidates in the JEE Main examination.
  • Been born on or after October 1, 1990.

Exam Pattern

The JEE Advanced examination consists of two papers: Paper 1 and Paper 2. Each paper is of three hours duration and consists of multiple-choice questions. Paper 1 is on Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry. Paper 2 is on Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.

Marking Scheme

The marking scheme for the JEE Advanced examination is as follows:

Question Type Marks
Correct Answer +4
Incorrect Answer -1
Unanswered Question 0


The results of the JEE Advanced examination are usually declared within a month after the examination. Candidates can check their results on the official website of the conducting IIT.


After the declaration of results, candidates who have qualified the JEE Advanced examination are eligible for counseling. Counseling is conducted by the Joint Seat Allocation Authority (JoSAA). Candidates can choose their preferred IITs and programs during counseling.


The JEE Advanced examination is one of the most competitive engineering entrance examinations in India. Candidates who qualify the JEE Advanced examination have the opportunity to study at one of the prestigious IITs in India.

List of Toppers of IIT-JEE Advanced 2015 (Rank List) - Engineers Corner ALLEN IIT JEE (Advanced) 2015 Results  14 Students in Top 100  2372 Students Total Selections IIT JEE (Advanced) 2015: Eligibility criteria for registration - Education Today News
IIT Bombay to conduct JEE Advanced 2015 on May 24 - Careerindia List of Toppers of IIT-JEE Advanced 2015 (Rank List) - Engineers Corner IIT JEE (Advanced) 2015 results: Top 10 achievers  India News - The Indian Express
JEE Advanced (Earlier IIT JEE) How IIT-JEE (Advanced) works, from results to rank list


Thus, we hope this article has provided valuable insights into Which IIT Will Conduct JEE Advanced 2015?. We hope you find this article informative and beneficial. See you in our next article!

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